Category finance

Sales are up BUT …… WHERE IS THE MONEY?

Does this sound familiar? According to the SBA over 50% of small businesses fail within a few years of their founding. Many experts believe one of the principal reasons for their failure is the lack of money. I believe one…

Can your board help reduce fraud at your Nonprofit?

The Boston Globe reported early in 2018 that  “Employee theft is ‘shockingly common’ at nonprofits.” According to Gerry Zack, the incoming chief executive of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics in Minneapolis as quoted in the Boston Globe, fraud…

Cash flows don’t just happen …

As Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh’s pessimistic grey donkey friend once remarked: “They’re funny things, Accidents. You never have them till you’re having them.” As many a small business owner knows Cash Flow Crisis do happen and unfortunately many times we…

Have you checked your financial ratios lately?

Since Euclid’s rigorous analysis of the properties of ratios in 300 BC, financial ratio analysis has been a fashionable sport among creditors, investors and financial managers. However, very few owners and managers of small businesses rely on this very useful…

Profit vs Growth, which way to go?

Profit and growth are both important goals for a business, but they are not the same thing. Profit refers to the amount of money a business earns after deducting all expenses. Growth, on the other hand, refers to the increase…

Quick Books Online

QuickBooks Online is a cloud-based financial management software designed for small and medium-sized businesses. It provides a range of accounting tools that help businesses manage their finances, track expenses, create invoices, and generate reports. With QuickBooks Online, businesses can connect…